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Sales Techniques to Win Customers

How difficult it is to sell, don't you think?

It is necessary to attract the potential customer, present the product to him, convince him about the functionality and quality to, who knows, win a sale.

But calm down, it doesn't have to be all this suffering, there are ways to attract customers, and they're called sales techniques, and I'm just here to help you and your corporation with that. Help you be a successful entrepreneur.

Everything that is passed on can be shaped and adapted to the company's reality, but passing the learning on is essential. The thing to remember, to work all sales techniques, is that you are working with other human beings. Treat them as you like to be treated when you need to acquire something.

With that observation made, let's go to the 38 best sales techniques!

1. Know your target audience

Knowing the target audience is so essential that it should be at the top of any list that lists the characteristics of a good salesperson.

I can even say that it is more of an operating principle than just a sales technique, but I cannot fail to mention it here.

Knowing the audience means identifying buyers' wants and needs, as well as demographics and interests.

All this information is useful to define the ideal solution and the sales strategy that will be adopted.

2. Help the customer understand what he needs

The customer does not always go to the store knowing what he wants to buy.

He often has a rough idea, but he's not sure if that's really what he needs.

It's up to you, the seller, to understand his problem and suggest the appropriate solution.

To do this, listen very carefully to what your customer has to say and ask the right questions to extract the necessary information.

3. Focus on benefit

Forget that you are a seller and think like a buyer.

When you want to buy a product or service, you want to be sure you're making the right decision, don't you?

For this, it is important to understand the benefits of your purchase.

So, as a salesperson, you must remember that the customer needs to be clear about the benefits.

Make sure there is no doubt about it.

4. Know your product

A good salesperson knows their product from end to end, as if they had participated in the ideation and development of the item.

So study hard about what you're selling and make sure your knowledge is, in fact, absolute.

This way, you will know how to answer the questions asked by customers.

And, even though it is a hitherto unknown question, try to get the information.

Knowing the product is essential to offer the buyer the best solution.

5. Have a competitive price

The market is extremely competitive.

In addition to the quality of products and services sold, price is also a factor that influences the purchase decision.

Therefore, be very careful when defining the amount that will be charged.

I'm not saying you should sell your items at a bargain price, but a good competitive analysis will ensure fair value.

6. Establish a trusting relationship with the customer

When I say that the seller must establish a relationship of trust with the customer, I am not referring to creating bonds of friendship, as many people understand.

Of course, this can happen depending on the business in which you operate.

But let it be clear that the relationship of trust needs to be built in the professional field.

The customer needs to trust your work and the products and services you sell.

7. Be honest

To gain customer trust, of course, you need to be honest.

I know very well that there is pressure to sell and hit targets, but that doesn't justify deceiving and deceiving people.

Besides, I can't even believe that a salesperson with this attitude can increase sales and sustain the lies for very long.

Honesty, in turn, leads to positive results, as it represents a differential in the consideration of buyers.

8. Be flexible

There are vendors who memorize a script and simply reproduce the words of the speech.

And then, when something escapes that script, they don't know what to do.

This is a huge mistake.

Working with sales requires flexibility.

It is necessary to be flexible and learn to deal with the most varied situations.

Take this as a challenge and don't be frustrated if plans don't go as you hope.

It is worth mentioning that customers usually perceive the seller's ability to adapt to circumstances, which becomes a positive point for closing deals.

9. Don't underestimate the customer

Behold, this is one of the biggest pitfalls a seller can fall into.

Never underestimate your buyer, even if he seems to be totally unaware of what he needs and in relation to your products and services.

Nowadays, mainly, the customer has quick access to information and, in a few seconds, he is able to discover and master everything he needs.

Always remember this.

10. Identify objections

Do you know when you are about to close the sale, but the customer puts obstacles on a condition, such as the payment method?

This is not a rejection but an objection, and identifying it can make all the difference to your sales success.

An objection is just an obstacle to making the purchase, and your role is to get around it.

If you cannot meet the customer's request in the negotiation, at least explain why and emphasize the benefits of shopping in your store.

Your mission is not to let these impasses hinder your sale.

11. Be resilient

Resilience is a much talked about feature in the workplace, but not everyone understands its true meaning.

Being resilient is having the ability to recover without difficulty

12. Have a sense of organization

There's no secret what organization is, is there?

Perhaps the mystery lies in how to identify the best methods to organize yourself.

But this is an effort you need to make.

Organization is essential for managing sales.

Have you ever thought about a customer calling you to talk about a purchase and you don't even know what it's about because you didn't register the sale?

It's not possible, right? I don't even need to say anything else.

13. Develop a strategic plan

They say that selling is an art.

I don't disagree, but I don't think talent alone is enough either.

For me, fully relying on the momentary sales performance is a huge failure.

There needs to be planning and strategy for the vocation to be sustained.

The sales plan involves all the guidelines that must be followed, even if unforeseen events may occur and it is necessary to activate the impromptu mode.

14. Create a sense of urgency

Have you ever heard about mental triggers?

Briefly, mental triggers are reactions to provoked stimuli.

The urgency trigger, for example, is based on the need for immediate purchase.

When put into practice, it provokes that response in the buyer.

15. Be creative

We consume, on average, 34 GB of information per day, the equivalent of almost 12 hours, according to a North American survey.

Just imagine the amount of advertisements we are submitted to during all this time.

So, why is it that the consumer is going to arouse interest precisely in your ad?

Or, how will he remember your product or service at the end of the day?

There is no magic formula, but creativity counts for a lot.

Doing it differently is a way to get your audience's attention and hook them into your sales pitch.

16. Believe in what you do

If I asked you now if you consider yourself a good salesperson, what would your answer be?

Well I hope it's in the affirmative.

Self-confidence has an expressive power in the public's perception.

After all, how is the customer going to believe you if you don't believe it yourself?

Therefore, be confident in your work and assume a safe posture in front of the clientele.

17. Bet on existing customers

According to the father of marketing, Philip Kotler, acquiring a new customer costs between five and seven times more than keeping a current one.

This is a good reason for you to invest in loyalty and buyback strategies.

An example of an action is to offer special conditions to your customer base.

Since they already know your brand, the purchase decision skips the consideration stage.

It's like the sales funnel has been shortened.

18. Have references

Word of mouth has always existed and was significant for the purchase decision.

But with the advancement of the internet, the opinion of other customers has become even more imperative for consumers.

Therefore, try to collect testimonials from those who have already bought with you and use these arguments in your favor during the sale.

19. Start every sale positively

The approach chosen to start the sale makes all the difference in the outcome of the process.

Starting positively helps build connection and sympathy with customers.

That way, receive potential buyers in a good mood and try to talk about pleasant subjects.

20. Use the “now or never” approach

“Now or never” is a very effective sales technique for undecided customers.

When you see that the consumer has aroused interest in the product or service, but is still afraid of the purchase, you can apply it.

Offer immediate benefits and make him make the decision right then and there.

21. Accept discounts and respond with an immediate attempt to close the deal

Clients must be free to suggest conditions during the negotiation.

Some ask for a discount, others suggest different payment methods and so on.

Rather than looking at it negatively, you should see it as an opportunity to close the sale.

All you have to do is accept what the customer asked for and make a kind of counterproposal, confirming the agreement if the purchase is immediate.

22. Use removal techniques when requesting discounts

Asking for a discount is natural in a negotiation.

However, many times, the customer suggests an unfeasible value, precisely because they are not aware of the pricing process.

If this happens, you must show him that the discount costs removing a benefit from the package, such as free shipping, extended warranty, or installation.

23. Never speak ill of competitors

I might even say that this sales technique is like a sales code of ethics principle.

You must not speak ill of competitors to your customers.

In addition to looking like a dirty game, consumers should choose your brand because of the advantages it presents, not because the competition is bad.

Did you understand?

24. Draw parallels and use metaphors

Using simple language is essential during the sale.

One way to make it easier for the customer to understand is to explore metaphors.

Instead of using very specific technical terms and explanations, adapt the message to everyday situations.

This will certainly help the customer to understand more easily.

Techniques for the online environment

With digitization, sales also migrated to the online environment.

In this scenario, it is important to take precautions and adopt some specific techniques, such as:

25. Use forms to capture leads

In order to be precise when approaching customers, it is necessary to carry out prior work.

Before any contact, you can meet and qualify potential customers through forms.

Lead capture works as a kind of filter.

26. Offer different contact channels

Not every customer feels comfortable joining a video call, for example.

For this reason, it is essential to structure differentiated contact channels and offer the means for the consumer to choose the best way.

27. Avoid interrupting your customer

The customer wants to be heard, fairly, to ensure that the seller understands their needs and desires.

Interrupting it can cause stress in the negotiation and even make the consumer give up on the purchase.

Let the customer complete the sentences and then take their turn to speak.

Telephone sales techniques

The telephone sales method is one of the most traditional.

It's undeniable that it still works, although many people don't like this channel.

Even because of this rejection, it is worth adopting some techniques and paying close attention to the restrictions, such as:

28. Activate the lead's attention constantly

As a contact limited to voice, loss of interest during a conversation can happen more often.

It is up to the salesperson to activate the customer's attention, observing the vocabulary used and, mainly, the intonation.

29. Appreciate your lead interaction

In addition to language and intonation, interacting with the lead also helps to maintain focus.

Constantly ask questions and listen to what your customer has to say.

Try to carefully explain your product and confirm with the lead if there is no doubt.

30. Call on Wednesdays and Thursdays

People usually set aside Mondays and Tuesdays to speed up tasks and solve any problems.

For this reason, these days of the week are not recommended for telephone contact, as they could disrupt your lead's focus.

The best days, then, are Wednesday and Thursday, considering that your client has already had the opportunity to complete the demands and will probably have free time to listen more carefully to your proposal.

31. Convey your approach in your voice

We've already talked about the importance of intonation, but this is a point that deserves to be reinforced.

Contact by phone makes body language impossible, which is a very useful tool when selling.

To supply this mechanism, the way is to exercise dominance in language during the approach.

To steer the conversation through and help the lead understand your sales intentions, change your tone of voice as per the conversation's themes and expectations.

  • Techniques for face-to-face sales

  • Face-to-face sales tend to have more effect than other methods.

  • Face-to-face contact, if done well, has a good chance of success.

To do this, write down these tips:

32. Explore the power of body language

According to psychologist Albert Mehrabian, 93% of our communication is non-verbal.

It comprises 55% body language and 38% voice modulation, while only 7% is speech.

In other words, your gestures are worth much more than your words.

So keep an eye on your movements and try to maintain a confident posture.

33. Smile a lot more

Even if you are dealing with a formal matter, seriousness in your face can cause discomfort and tension in your client.

Smiles help alleviate this negative impression and can make words more confident.

34. Show confidence

Speaking of trust, this is, without a doubt, one of the main factors of success in sales.

To convey a confident attitude, you must know how to explain your product or service in a clear and detailed way.

A simple breach in your security can ruin the deal.

35. Keep 100% customer-aware

That maxim that we have two ears and one mouth to hear more and talk less should be a mantra for salespeople.

Talking is obviously part of the sales routine and without it, it is impossible to complete the negotiation.

However, it is equally important to listen to what the customer has to say.

Also, don't let distractions get in the way of your focus.

The customer needs to feel that you are 100% aware of the conversation.

Sales for those who are already a customer

As I said here, the cost of acquiring new customers is much higher than the investment to retain existing ones.

For this reason, it is essential to bet on loyalty.

Here are some ways to keep your customers:

36. Have the customer profile already drawn

If you've already made a sale to a customer, chances are you're familiar with their profile.

This will, of course, put you one step ahead, and this could be the success factor for your next sale.

Use forms and other tools to record all of your customer data and turn that information into true shopping experiences.

37. Make offers according to relationship history

Based on your previous relationship with the customer, it is possible to assess how the sale took place, as well as buying behaviors.

From there, create approach strategies and, mainly, offer discounts on products that may arouse interest.

38. Always speak faithfully

The customer needs to feel valued and comfortable when doing business.

For this, the seller must reinforce the concept of loyalty.

Inform the customer that the purchasing conditions established are the result of the good relationship maintained and that new benefits may arise for the same reason.


The sale starts even before the customer imagines that your brand exists.

The role of your marketing team is to pick you up where you are and bring you to the reality of the company.

Everyone needs something and sales techniques already come into play at that moment. Prospecting customers, studying their needs, getting to know them to know how to approach them and which points may be the most important for the relationship are fundamental.

The salesperson needs to be confident, know what he is talking about and still have a good aptitude to convey the pertinent information.

Credibility, when achieved, will take the company to new heights.

Once your audience knows they can count on you and your company to solve their doubts and solve their problems, the relationship is built.

Invest in proper training for employees. Offer valuable content, products and services, this will certainly help in building the referral.

People like to be treated kindly and politely. Show your professionals that the company needs each customer, so each one deserves to be treated with due attention.

The first impression will positively or negatively impact your customer, so strive to provide the best experience possible.

Be approachable.

There are countless examples that exist in the world market that show that companies that connect directly with their customers, obtain much better results.

Don't forget that you are working with people, and that they can be persuaded, but never invade your space.

Sales techniques are not just ways to sell, but ways to relate to other people.

Is the sale important? Of course.

Which company doesn't want to see their numbers go up?

But it is very important to understand that this should not be the main focus, but rather a set of characteristics.

Develop your sales techniques as best you can and surprise your customers with a more personal and functional approach.

People like to be listened to, so you and your company listen to them.

Working in a more humanized way, in line with sales techniques, will give the corporation a new perspective.

So, don't waste any more time and start applying these techniques with your customers today, and you will certainly notice the difference.

But now tell me.

What sales techniques do you use in your company that bring good results?


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