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Push and Pull Marketing: What is it and how does it work?

It is a fact that within Marketing, there are several approaches aimed at achieving good performance to reach and impact the target audience of a particular company, always serving as a great solution for consumers. Among them, Push and Pull Marketing are two prominent strategies that have been growing more and more, mainly due to the great advance of Digital Marketing.

If you want to know everything about these techniques, read on and enjoy the content!

What is Push and Pull Marketing?

Push marketing is a technique whose main focus is to “push” products to a specific audience. Its objective revolves around offering its services and products to consumers through Marketing, given that it is a form of general advertising.

On the other hand, pull is much more focused on a passive application, which aims to “pull” potential consumers through the charm, always seeking to create a much closer relationship with the public, in order to attract them to convert into sales. .

How do they work in practice?

Push Marketing

Push Marketing, because it is direct marketing, in practice it works in the search for conversions through offers, advertisements, campaigns and actions that arouse consumer interest. However, during the sales process, it is common for companies to push their offers in order to convince the customer that the purchase is really worth it.

The practice is often used by new companies that are trying to consolidate themselves in the market through the search for visibility and credibility. However, it is also very valid for businesses that are already well positioned in their segments, but want to promote a new product or reinforce their positioning.

Pull marketing

Pull marketing is the complete opposite. It aims to develop actions that spontaneously attract the customer, always aiming at medium and long-term results from the construction of a relationship between brand and consumer, which conveys greater confidence to the point of loyalty.

But what are the factors that set them apart?

Practices present some very notable differences in terms of approaches and results. Check out what they are:

1 – Objective:

Undoubtedly, the factor that most distances both techniques is precisely the main objective of each one. While Push focuses on fast conversion, Pull focuses on attraction and loyalty.

2 –Time:

Due to different objectives, it is common for each one to have a waiting time equivalent to the applied strategy. Push, being something more aggressive, it works in the short term. Pull, on the other hand, takes much longer, but guarantees something more lasting.

3 – Direction:

The targeting is also very different, considering that Push works from the presentation of benefits, while Pull acts according to the needs of each one, making it clear that the company has the solution to any problem.

5 tips for including strategies in the digital age

Now that you are on top of the subject, you need to know how to apply the techniques in your business. Follow some tips:

1 – Analyze your target audience profile:

To define good strategies for your business, it is essential to know the type of customer you want to attract. After all, by understanding the needs of your audience, it is possible to invest in actions that will really generate good results;

2 –Discover your solutions:

Knowing the products that your brand offers is essential when it comes to conveying greater confidence to the customer. Always keep in mind what each product represents, its technical composition and what it offers as an advantage, so that it is even possible to compare it with other inferior options on the market;

3 – Define your marketing goals:

You need to know exactly where you want to go. Marketing, when well targeted and segmented, presents much more results;

4 – Pay attention to your results:

Be sure to analize the actions taken so that you can observe the return that that strategy is generating for your business. That way, it will be much easier to notice what really works in your area.

Application examples

Push Marketing

1 – Graphic parts:

These are ads that can be presented in different ways, whether through banners or flyers. Often, these strategies are used in paid advertising or on the company's social networks;

2 – Panels:

Incredible as it may seem, billboards are still a totally effective way to publicize the brand, as long as they are very well planned;

3 – Direct marketing:

It's the type of marketing used to offer free samples as freebies or simply discount coupons.

Pull marketing

1 – Social media marketing:

Without considering paid ads, there are several ways to use the strategy. The creation of informative content is the best of them, and it can be through instructional videos, tips posts, good images or even the use of influencers;

2 – SEO:

SEO is a technique used in Google's search engine, which works around providing highlights to web pages according to keywords. It's totally organic and it's a good way to reach the audience;

3 – Blogs:

Although many find it outdated, blogs are still a good investment. Articles are a means of educating and providing knowledge to the public, mainly around the uses of your products.

Is it worth investing in Push and Pull?

After reading along, you must surely be considering including the aforementioned approaches in your strategies, right? But is it really worth investing in them?

Yes, the practices are fully valid for different types of segments and have impressive results. However, first of all, you need to evaluate which one works best for your market and in what way you really want to impact your consumers.

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